Helloo...friends... The recipe that I am going to introduce is a snack item which is loved by all especially by children. The snack item is named as Maggi Noodles Spring Rolls. The name it self is tempting..right?? Maggi includes a tastemaker which tastes awesome and now by using the maggi we are going to prepare this yummy yummy snack item. So, try it and enjoy it....
- Maggi Noodles and Taste maker - 1 packet
- 1/4 cup of shredded (grated) Cabbage
- 1/2 a Capsicum cut length wise
- 1 Spring onion length wise
- 4 to 5 french Beans cross cut
- Tomato Sauce - 1 cup
- Oil - 1 table spoon
- Ginger Chili paste - 1/2 tea spoon
- Chaat Masala - 1 tea spoon
- Salt - to taste
- Plain Flour paste- little bit
In the ingredients, I have mentioned the vegetables that are required for our recipe. The vegetables Capsicum and French Beans are cutted length wise that is thinly sliced with some length. If we cut the veggies earlier then it is easy to make this Snack item. So, let us prepare the filling for this Spring Rolls.
Take a deep cooking pan and add 1 table spoon of Oil and now we should heat the Oil and then I am going to saute the Capsicum just for a couple of minutes, I don't want to over cook the vegetables because I should deep fry the Spring Rolls So, there is no need of over cooking of veggies.
To this, add french Beans and cook for a minute by mixing them continuously. Here chop the French beans as finely as possible. Now it is the time to add our favorite Maggi noodles. just break them in to pieces add add it to the veggies and mix it.
For the preparation of Maggi we usually add 1 or 1 1/2 cups of Water. But now I am going to add a little less because I want the Maggi noodles to be dry. This is because while we fry them they again gets cooked. So, may be 3/4th cup of Water is sufficient to this. And let them boil and then add taste maker i.e; Maggi masala and so that the masala is nicely coated.
To this add Ginger Chili paste, Chaat masala and mix it well. Now, add a table spoon and half of tomato Ketchup (Sauce) , mix it well and let all the moisture dry up. I would like to throw up shredded (grated) Cabbage and Spring Onions. The reason that I am adding Cabbage and Spring Onions at last is because they cooks very quickly. Mix them well.
Now add very little bit of Salt. Why I am stressing is because, the taste maker and ketchup also consists of Salt and hence add pinch of salt and mix it well. The noodles are done they take only 3 to 4 minutes to cook and do not over cook them. Just cool them immediately under a fan. So, finally our filling is ready. Now, let us prepare the rolls to fill this Maggi.
We can get the Spring roll sheets directly from the market. In case if you do not get them in the market, we can prepare them in our home itself. Just take some plain flour say 1 cup and 1 table spoon of Oil and little bit of Salt and to this add some water and prepare the dough similar to the chapati and roll them as thin as you can.
Take a pan and just half roast the rolls only for 10 to 20 seconds on each side on each side until you get few brown spots and cover the roti's in a nice cloth and use them when ever you want. As the Spring Rolls sheets are ready and we also have our Noodles filling you just fill the stuffing in to the rolls as I guide you.
For 1 packet of Maggi noodles we can make up to 4 spring rolls. Let us start stuffing this in to the rolls. Take a Spring roll sheet and place approximately 2 spoons of noodles filling and start rolling them. Make a tight roll as tight as you can and fold the edges and to stick this edges I have taken a plain flour paste. I have prepared this flour paste by taking some plain flour and mixing it with water so this helps in sticking the spring rolls and then nicely seal it.
STEP 10:
Make sure that the Oil for deep fry should be medium hot not very very hot and as our rolls are ready just add them in to the Oil one by one and let them fry on slow medium flame because I don't want them to become them brown very quickly it takes some time to fry because I want the inner layers of the sheets to cook properly. Don't be in a hurry to fry them.
STEP 11:
In case if you are making them in large quantity for parties or for something always half fry them and when ever you are ready to serve you just fry them and serve them. Fry the rolls until they are nice golden brown in color take them out from Oil and remove excess of Oil by using Tissues.
STEP 12:
Now let them cool for 2 minutes before going to cut them. After 2 minutes you just cut each roll in to 2 pieces and dip them in Tomato Ketchup and enjoy the recipe.